Advanced Accounting for the Mineral, Energy, Oil and Gas Industry Level 3
Course Length: 2 Days Course Dates:
course provides an advanced understanding of technical accounting issues
specific to the oil and gas industry. By providing theoretical knowledge and
practical learning this seminar aims to clearly explain the various issues
faced by accountants within the oil and gas industry.
Who Should
Attend :
This is an advanced level programme designed for
accounting and financial management personnel who want to enhance their analytic
and presentation skills
To be able to participate effectively, you should
have already attended our two lower-level companion courses
– accounting for the Energy,
Oil and Gas industry
– Levels 1 and 2 – or be able to demonstrate a suitable combination
of relevant experience and subject knowledge
Financial Controllers
Company Secretaries
Audit Partners and
Senior Accountants
Graduates of the Level 2 course
Accountants and any other Accounting Department
staff requiring an intermediate
level of accounting knowledge
What You Will Gain:
reporting update including an update on the status of the IFRS extractive
industries standard
IAS 21: Functional
IFRS 10: Consolidated financial statements
IFRS 11: Joint arrangements and advanced financing
and reporting requirements
IFRS 7: Financial instruments – disclosures
IAS 33: Earnings per share
IAS 12: Income taxes
IAS 32 & 39: Financial instruments
A practical guide to understanding capital operating
costs for producing resource companies
IFRS 8: Operating segments
IAS 17: Leases
Practical example of managing an oil and gas company
from exploration, through
development then as a production company.