Sustainable Management and Governance in Renewable Energy
Course length: 5 days Course
Sustainable Management and Governance equips you with the knowledge
and skills to succeed as responsible business leaders in the renewable energy
sector. Forward-looking firms, public authorities, civil society and
international institutions need to develop creative market-based solutions to
alleviate environmental challenges, social injustice and poverty, in an
ecosystemic approach.
The aim of this course is to contribute to training a new generation
of managers, aware of societal challenges and aspiring to be part of the
solution, regardless of their professional activity. Governance can be
understood as the rules, mechanisms, processes and institutions through which
important decisions are made and implemented. The course discusses the
contested nature of both these concepts, and investigates how both are combined
in local, national, regional and international policy-making about environment
and development challenges such as poverty, global inequalities, loss of
biodiversity, deterioration of global eco-systems, and the threat of climate
change to human societies.
The course also will assist to develop participants’ understanding
of the key concepts and principles of sustainable development and governance.
While dealing with the practical implementation of sustainable development.
Since sustainable development is one of the target areas in renewable energy
sector, governance structures are essential for its implementation.
This course explores the crucial link between governance and
sustainable development. Sustainable development has emerged as the global norm
and dominant approach to reconcile the goals of economic development,
environmental quality and social equity.
Who should Attend
Company managers
Government officials
All individuals with a passion for
creating more environmentally friendly and sustainable business models.
All employees from the energy
sector who wish to learn more on sustainability and governance
What you will learn
Participants will discuss governance issues in sustainable
development, analyze issues in the form of practical case studies. These case
studies will provide an insight into different steering mechanisms for both
individual behavioral and societal change, with a strong focus on stakeholder
involvement and participation. At the completion of the course, students should
be able to answer the following questions.
What kinds of governance structures are most effective?
Are new forms of cooperation and coordination needed?
What are the benefits of the formation of networks
and partnerships?
What challenges and bottlenecks
arise from these new organizational forms of
Course Outline
Sustainable Development – an integrative approach
The governance challenge of
sustainable development – from environmental policy to sustainable development policy
Governance – as new paradigm in the renewable energy sector
Environmental Governance and Governance for
Sustainable Development.
Types of effective governance structures
Forms of cooperation and
coordination needed for sustainability and governance of renewables
Benefits of the formation of networks and partnerships
Challenges and bottlenecks arising
from these new organizational forms of governance
Complexity and operations of
governance systems and processes on international,
national and local levels.
Differences between government and
governance, and the various ideas and meanings attached to the goal of
sustainable development.
Policy-making processes in regard to sustainability issue