Environmental Pollution & Waste Management in Oil and Gas
Length: 5 days
This course provides a thorough and applied knowledge of efficient
techniques, industry standards and best practices for managing waste and
environmental pollution.
Who should Attend
Managers, advisors, engineers and operations staff involved in the
management of environmental issues all along the lifetime of a field
development: from design to operation.
What you will Learn
Understand the stakes for the Oil & Gas industry
for environmental management,
Understand contents of
environmental impact assessments and mitigations (treatments)
Identify mitigation measures, air treatment
techniques, waste water treatment, wastes treatment, soil remediation,
Implement an oil spill contingency plan, including
the combating strategy,
Learn about requirements and technique for
remediation of operational sites,
Select key performance indicators and set up
monitoring with environmental management plans, including monitoring
techniques/analysis of all emissions and
Course Outline
Introduction to waste & pollution management
Environmental stakes of Oil & Gas companies and projects.
Environmental mitigation measures principles.
Atmospheric pollution & treatment
Waste effluent pollution & treatment
Waste effluent inventory (production water, cooling
water), pollutants.
Production water treatment and disposal:
Primary: API tanks, plate separators.
Secondary: flotation, coalescent filters, hydro cyclones.
Tertiary: membranes, biological treatments.
Chemicals and chemical treatments.
Water injection.
Open drain & closed drains: collection and treatment.
Drilling fluids tratment:
Water base mud recovery and cuttings treatment.
Oil base mud recovery and cuttings treatment.
Domestic effluents
Isolated camps treatment options.
Permanent camps treatment options.
Oil spill response at sea – technologies
Content of an oil spill contingency plan.
Offshore spill treatment (dispersants, booms and recovery…).
Onshore spill treatment (pumping, skimming,
bioremediation, thermal
Solid waste treatment technologies
Chemical treatments.
Physical treatments.
Disposal methods:
Pollution & remediation techniques
Monitoring & reporting