Above Ground Tank Safety
Course Length: 5 Days Venue: TB
Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) are used for storage of petroleum
products prior to use, while being used, or prior to further distribution in
commerce. These tanks cannot be commissioned
for the storage of petroleum products unless its material and construction are inspected to be compatible with the
products to be stored and conditions of storage such as pressure and
temperature. Also, storage tank installation must be engineered or updated in
accordance with good engineering practices to avoid discharges.
Our highly interactive Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector (API 653) training course
will help professionals
working in refineries and petrochemical plants to enhance their functional
technical skills. The knowledge gained
in the training course will enable them to evaluate
the integrity of existing
equipment and quantify
the remaining life in operation
after carrying out appropriate cost-effective repair
options. This will enhance their overall technical effectiveness regarding
improved plant reliability and safety of operation with positive environmental
impact. The training course will basically cover API recommended Body of
Knowledge for API-653, Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector Certification
Examination and will therefore also serve as a good preparation material for
taking and passing that examination successfully.
What You will
Full confidence in performing various inspection activities
Enhanced job effectiveness regarding equipment
repairs & alterations
Improving the plant technical reliability and
environmental safety
Help your technical team find good solutions in
complex operational situations
Organization of effective inspection teams with
clear roles and responsibilities
Preparation of participants for taking API 653
Certification Examination
Who Should
This Aboveground Storage
Tank Inspector (API 653) training
course is suitable for a wide range of technical professionals, but will be
particularly beneficial to:
Plant engineers dealing with inspection, maintenance
& repairs of storage tanks
Equipment reliability and integrity supervisors and
HSE engineers
Planners of cost-effective operation of in-service
storage tanks
Material engineers and technicians dealing with
corrosion and material protection
Safeguarding and MOC engineers
Course Outline
Day 1 –
Calculations & Tabular Evaluations for Evaluating Thickness Measurements,
Weld Sizes, Tank Integrity
Corrosion Rates and Inspection Intervals (API 575, Paragraph 7.2)
Joint Efficiencies (API 653 Section 4)
Maximum Fill Height: Hydrostatic Testing API 653,
Section 4)
Weld Size for Shell & Roof Openings (API 650, Figures 5.7 – 5.21)
Hot Tapping (API
653, Paragraph 9.14)
Settlement Evaluation (API 653 Annex B.2.3 – B2.5)
Number of Settlement Points (API 653 12.5.2, Annex B)
Impact Testing (API-650,
Existing Tank Shell – Minimum Thickness s (API-653,
Reconstructed Tank Shell – Minimum Thickness (API-650, Table 5-2)
Tank Shell Corroded Area (API-653,
Tank Shell Pitting (API-653,
Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness (API-653,
Day 2 – Welding
of Atmospheric Above Ground Storage Tanks: ASME Section IX, Welding and Brazing
Elements of Welding
Knowledge and skills: SMAW and SAW welding processes:
API-650 Standard: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil
Storage: General rules: Section 9
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair,
Alteration, and Reconstruction: General
rules: Section 11
Number, Type, and Results of Mechanical tests
Replacement Plates
Lap Welded Patch
Day 3 – Non-Destructive Examination: ASME BPV Section V:
NDE Testing
General Requirements: Responsibilities, Qualifications
Calibration, Record Keeping
Radiographic Examination: Butt Welds, Seams,
Placement of IQIs, Records
Liquid Penetrant Examination: Mandatory Appendix II, Interpretation
Magnetic Particle Examination (Yoke and Prod techniques)
Ultrasonic Standards: Measuring thickness with
Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method:
API-650 and API-653: General Nondestructive
Examination requirements
Day 4 – Practical Knowledge: General
Organization and Certification Requirements
Types and Definitions of Inspections
Types of Corrosion and Deterioration
Materials and Fabrication Problems
Welding Technology
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Methods
Corrosion and Minimum Thickness Evaluation
Estimated Remaining
Inspection Interval Determination and Issues
Affecting Intervals
Inspecting Relief Devices
Inspection Safety Practices
Inspection Records and Reports
Repairs / Alterations
Disassembly and Reconstruction
Hydro Testing
Pneumatic Testing
Day 5 – Practical Knowledge: Specific
API RP 571: Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed
Equipment in Refining Industry
Brittle Fracture
Mechanical Fatigue (4.2.16)
Atmospheric Corrosion (4.3.2)
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) (4.3.3)
Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) (4.3.8)
Soil Corrosion (4.3.10) – Caustic Corrosion (4.3.9)
Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (Cl-SCC) (4.5.1)
Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (Caustic
Embrittlement) (4.5.3)
Sour Water Corrosion (Acidic) (5.1.10)
Sulfuric Acid Corrosion (5.1.11)
API RP 575: Inspection of Atmospheric and
Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Procedures to perform internal and external inspection
Types of external and internal inspections
Evaluation change-of-service effects on suitability
for continued service
Evaluation of distortions, flaws,
Condition of nozzles, wind-girders, stiffeners
Evaluation of tank bottoms, tank foundations &
anchor bolts
Causes of corrosion, leaks, cracks, and mechanical deterioration
Shells and roofs, pipe connections
API RP 577: Welding Inspection and Metallurgy
Welding processes & inspection
Welding materials & procedure: filler metal selection
Welder qualifications
Non-destructive examination (NDE)
Refinery & Petrochemical Plant Welding Issues
Actions to address improperly made welds
Report of RT results
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair,
Alteration, and Reconstruction and the
related portions of API Standard 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
Tank Internal & External Inspection
NDE procedures and NDE personnel qualification requirements
Safe working practices
Thickness & Dimensional Measurements & Tolerances
Frequencies and intervals for external and internal inspection
Types of Roofs & Seals and Ways of Deterioration
Reasons for Inspection and Causes of Deterioration
of Storage Tanks
Procedures to Check or Test Storage Tanks for Leaks
Tools & equipment for tank inspection
Failure assessment and deterioration of auxiliary equipment
Suitability for continued service: Change-of-service effects
Evaluation of tank bottom conditions & tank
foundation conditions
Risk of failure due to brittle fracture
Causes of corrosion, leaks, cracks, and mechanical deterioration.
Repairs to foundations, shell plates, welds, tank
bottoms, nozzles & penetrations, roofs, seals
Knowledge of repair/alteration material and
toughness requirements
Use of unidentified materials for repairs/alterations
Hot tap requirements and procedures
Inspection and NDE requirements for repairs and alterations
Hydrostatic and leak testing requirements
Lap welded patch plates (API-653, 9-3)
New bottoms supported by grillage API-650, Annex I
Requirements for recording inspection data and
records related to inspection, repairs, and alterations
API RP 651, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground
Petroleum Storage Tanks (Sections 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 11)
Corrosion of Aboveground Steel Storage Tanks
Determination of Need for Cathodic Protection
Methods of Cathodic Protection for Corrosion Control
Operation & Maintenance of Cathodic Protection Systems
API RP 652: Lining
of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms
Types of tank bottom linings, materials, advantage
and disadvantages
Causes of tank bottom lining failures
Surface preparation requirements for installation of
tank bottom linings
Issues affecting application of tank bottom lining