Applied OH&S Management Systems
Every 15 seconds, somewhere in the world, a worker is killed and over 150 others are injured. Our members’ and clients’ experience is that committed application of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) can reduce such incidents, while providing a platform for sustained cultural change. We call this ‘predict and prevent’ instead of the unstructured approach of ‘react and remedy.’ Participants will receive a template OH&S-MS manual for their own use as part of the study materials. This class provides a complete review of the new international standard for occupational health and safety management, ISO 45001:2018, as well as an overview of other common OH&S-MS (HSG65, ILO OSH-2001, IOGP HSE-MS) that can be aligned to organizations’ own systems. Over five days, the class works through a Plan, Do, Check, Act improvement cycle teaching the tools and techniques of excellent practice.
Who should Attend
Health and Safety (H&S) professionals who want to take advantage of the new improvement opportunities presented by ISO 45001 (or seek external certification), project managers, contract managers, members of H&S committees, and owners, directors and managers of smaller organizations with limited access to specialist H&S advice.
What you will learn
How to:
Successfully design and use the principle elements of an OH&S-MS in a typical petrochemical organisation
Identify and integrate key tools associated with OH&S management, including HazID, risk assessment, JSA, PTW, LOTO, active and reactive monitoring
Reflect on, shape and initiate improvements in the safety culture of an organization
Communicate a powerful improvement message to a team of senior leaders
Context of the organization
Leadership and commitment
OH&S policy
Roles, responsibilities, and authorities
Actions to address risks and opportunities
Objectives and planning to achieve them
Support (competence, awareness, communication, documentation)
Operational control
Emergency preparedness
Performance evaluation (monitoring, internal audit, management review)