Chemical Handling Training
1 day
chemical handling training course can be tailored to meet the needs of any
company, whether it is a high or low risk industry.
Who should attend
Intended for workers who come into contact with chemicals in the
Why you will learn
When the course is complete, participants will be able to:
List routes of entry of chemicals into the body
Identify health effects of chemicals
Identify warning symbols. As well as reading product
warning label
Use an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
Identify and use different types of available PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment)
Legal Overview – Employer & Employee duties in
current legislation.
Routes of Entry of Chemicals – how chemicals can
cause a negative affect. Specifically, depending on route of entry and dose. As
well as the duration of exposure.
Classification of Hazardous Substances –
site-specific information, in relation to particular chemicals can be addressed
in this section.
Use of Material Safety Data Sheets.
Types and the use of different PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment)
Overview of Safe Systems of Work to include ‘Permit
to Work’ & ‘Hot Work’ permits.
Overview of Control
Strategies in relation to the Handling of Chemicals