Defibrillator Training (AED)
Duration: 1 day
Ideally, when there is an occupational first aider in a workplace, provision of an AED should be considered. The defibrillator training of other employees who are not occupational first aiders is also encouraged. The course details emergency cardiovascular care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and correct use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AEDs). This half day course is very intensive and involves small groups of no more than six participants.
Who should attend
Attendees can be responsible employees, club members, security personnel, police, airline personnel, teachers, family members of patients at high risk for sudden cardiac death, rescuers, and those who need or want to learn CPR and how to operate an AED.
The heart-saver AED course teaches the basic techniques of adult CPR. As well as teaching how to use an AED. In addition, students also learn about using barrier devices in CPR and giving first aid for choking. The course teaches how to recognize the signs of four major emergencies. Including heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest, and foreign-body airway obstruction. This course is classroom based. It is highly interactive with role-playing and practical exercises. These reinforce understanding and learning.