Environmental Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector
Course length: 1-2 days
Course description
Merchants and investors have used International Arbitration (IA) for centuries in settling disputes. IA has become a benchmark for resolving disputes in certain industries such as the energy sector. This course covers the types of processes for resolving environmental disputes including adjudicative (such as litigation), consensual (such as mediation and negotiation) and managerial authority (such as determination by Ministers, government agencies and local councils and merit review of such determinations), as well as the forms in which such processes may be organised and conducted (eg for adjudication, whether adversarial or investigative; for managerial authority; and for consensual mechanisms, the manner in which negotiations and mediations should be conducted).
Who should Attend
Government officials from the government especially from the energy sector
Legal advisors to organizations in the energy sector
What you will learn
The course will help the participants to have a better appreciation of dispute resolution processes. The concept of a multi-door courthouse, where a variety of dispute resolution processes are offered under the one roof is explored.
Course Outline
Appropriate dispute resolution processes to environmental disputes in the energy sector (explanation and application).
Different types of dispute resolution processes (comparison, contrast and reflection)
Strengths and weaknesses of these dispute resolution processes
Identification and application of dispute resolution processes to particular environmental disputes in the energy sector
Identification and examination of a range of perspectives and values that are relevant to environmental dispute management in the petroleum sector
Research, examination and communication in writing about a problem or specific aspect of environmental dispute management in the petroleum sector