Health and Safety Representative
Duration: 2 days Description
This course applies to Health and Safety Representative from the
Maritime Industry operating under the Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation
Act 1992, Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 and
associated Regulations 2003. The management of safety on board is a key task
and the personnel involved in managing this, namely, personnel performing the
duties as a Safety Officer or a Safety Representative or those who are about to
enter into such a position needs to understand and update their knowledge on
shipboard safety management.
Safety Officers and Safety Representatives are the key to managing
on-board safety and it is critical for them to understand the roles and
responsibilities associated with this duty.
Motivation is the key element in enhancing and developing a good
Safety Culture on board. Safety culture can only be developed with
encouragement in implementation of best practices.
The implementation of OHSAS 18000 has further solidified the need of
understanding process of managing Occupational Hazards and enhancing Safety on
Duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer
Role of Safety Committee
Health and Safety Legislation and Regulations
Accident and Incident Prevention
Accident and Incident Investigation
Risk Assessment
On Board Safety Training
Behavior Based Safety
The objectives of the OHS(MI)
Act and their
importance to the health and safety of employees
The duty of care and related provisions as they
apply to operators and employees
Workplace arrangements including designated work
groups, HSRs and HSCs
The distinction between legislation, codes of
practice, relevant industry standards and agency policy, and know their
relationship to each other
The duties of manufacturers, repairers, installers
and suppliers within the context of the OHS(MI) Act
The links between OHS, workers’ compensation and
rehabilitation of injured workers
The role of trade unions, employee representatives
and consultants in dealing with
health and safety issues in the context of the OHS(MI) Act
The role of management in relation to the objectives
of the OHS(MI) Act